Children grow rapidly, and injuries and illnesses are sometimes unavoidable. Other children may have or may develop conditions that involve longer term treatment. Physical therapy may be an option for treating both injuries and other conditions. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of childhood physical therapy, the conditions it can help, and safety precautions to keep your kid healthy and happy.
The goals of physical therapy
Reducing pain
Improving mobility
Preventing disabilities
Avoiding surgeries
Preventing future injuries
Rehabilitating current injuries
Managing chronic illnesses

Why Children Might Need Physical Therapy
The process of physical therapy involves helping your child move or otherwise use their body in a healthier way. Exactly how physical therapy can help your child depends on their specific situation. For example, physical therapy is a common part of the treatment plan for cerebral palsy, a neurological condition that can make it hard for children to control their bodies. In this case, physical therapy will likely involve the therapist helping your child learn to work with their body and develop more control over time.
On the other hand, sports injuries can also benefit from physical therapy. If your child tears their ACL while playing soccer, they will need to rebuild strength in their leg, especially if they had to have surgery. A physical therapist will help them exercise their leg to safely build up strength, regain full muscle control, and ease the pain from the injury.
physical therapy will help to treat:
Overuse injuries
Recovery from surgery
Developmental delays
Head injuries
Muscle diseases
Birth defects
Genetic disorders
Methods of physical therapy Treatments
Every physical therapist and child is different. While no single type of physical therapy will work in every situation, your child’s physical therapist might use a number of common activities and treatments. The exact mix will depend on your child’s individual needs
Balance and coordination activities to improve your child’s fine muscle control
Adaptive play to help your child work around a permanent disability
Aquatic therapy to reduce joint impact
Training exercises to increase strength
Flexibility exercises for your child’s range of motion
Heat, cold, massage, ultrasound, or electrotherapy to improve circulation around an injury
Technical instruction to improve form and posture and avoid future injuries

Safety Considerations
Medical professionals are very careful when it comes to keeping patients safe, especially in pediatrics. But there are risks to physical therapy, like any treatment.
In some cases, your child may complain that they are more uncomfortable after physical therapy than they were before. A certain amount of discomfort after active sessions is normal. The therapy process involves working weak and delicate areas, which can make them tired and sore. But, if any pain seems unusual or strong, never hesitate to talk to your child’s therapist. They can help make sure that certain exercises aren’t making the injury worse.
If your kid is excited to improve, they may also risk overdoing it at home. The home exercises their physical therapist provides will likely come with instructions on how often they should be done. Doing exercises more frequently than recommended could lead to your child making their injury worse. Always make sure your child is following the rules their therapist gave them to make sure that they heal as quickly and safely as possible.
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